Sunday worship each week is normally at 10.45am, led by our minister, by a visiting preacher or by one of our elders, supported by our choir and organ. We value this time to come aside from the daily routine and worship in a way that we pray is honouring to God’s majesty. While our worship is mainly traditional in style, using several forms of media, we are open to the different styles brought in by our various worship leaders. This is a time to refresh ourselves in the Word of God and prepare to reach out to others in the week ahead.
We have Junior Church every week, all worshipping together at the beginning of the service before the children and young people have their own time of learning and sharing.
Holy Communion is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of every month; our table is open to all who follow Jesus.
At several times through the year, we join for morning worship with our friends from Headingley Methodist Church, coming together alternately in each others’ premises. Details appear on our Calendar page.
On Maunday Thursday each year, we host the evening service of Tenebrae, welcoming participants from many Headingley churches, and we worship with Churches Together in Headingley for a number of special services throughout the year.
On one Sunday in Advent, and on Palm Sunday, worship generally takes the form of a service of readings and music appropriate to the season, led either by our choir, or by the combined choirs of Headingley St Columba and Headingley Methodist churches. Our Calendar page will give advance details of each.