Churches Together

Churches Together in Headingley

Churches Together in Headingley (CTH) is a local ecumenical grouping of churches in the Headingley area. It shares with many similar groupings across the country the mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world. Regular activities include:

  • several ecumenical gatherings, including a United Service, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 18 – 25 January each year;
  • during Lent each year, a well-supported series of Lent Lunches, at which guest speakers address a wide variety of topics, and a Good Friday Walk of Witness;
  • an outdoor service of Pentecost Praise;
  • a Saturday morning carol singing event in the latter part of Advent, raising funds for the Wheatfields Hospice.

Our sister churches in CTH, and a little of what they say of themselves, are:

Headingley Methodist Church  “. . . is well situated within this densely populated area. It has a membership of 73, many of whom are older people. There is also a well-established tradition of links with overseas students, though student attendance has dwindled in the past few years. The changing demographics in the area offer an opportunity and challenge for the church to rebuild its volunteer base and reach out to a highly transient population.” 
For more information, please visit

St. Chad’s [Anglican] Church, Far Headingley  “. . . is a large friendly and outgoing Church family. We have a busy Parish Centre which lies at the heart of our outreach, supporting a number of different community groups. We are committed to supporting people and families in lifelong Christian discipleship. We are an intergenerational Church with members ranging in age from 97 to a few weeks old.” 
For more information, please visit

St Jeanne Jugan Parish incorporates the churches of St Urbans and Our Lady of Lourdes, Headingley. “The simplicity of [St Urban’s] interior is conducive to reflection and prayer, and the church supports a vibrant community with two Sunday Masses . . . The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes is situated in Cardigan Road in the heart of one of Leeds’ students’ residential areas. It was built in the 1920’s under the auspices of the Jesuits, but after the Jesuit Fathers moved out in 1947, the church came under the control of the diocese. We are privileged to have this large church in which to worship, and as with St Urban’s, it has been beautifully adorned with a fresco by Aidan Hart . . .” 
For more information, please visit

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church.  “The English speaking congregation of St Luke’s in Leeds meets every Sunday at 10:30 at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 9 Alma Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 2AH . . .  they also hold services in Polish.” 
For more information, please visit

St. Michael and All Angels  “. . .  is a an open and inclusive Church in the Liberal Catholic tradition of Church of England. Here you will find a parish church which, in various forms, has stood at the heart of the community of Headingley since 1620. Here you will find wonderful Gothic architecture, fine stained glass, beautiful wrought iron work, a fine organ accompanying harmonious singing, all witnessing to the beauty and welcome of God, and the care and faithfulness of generations of Christians. Above all, it is here you will find a Christian Community worshipping God, praying that we may grow in love and service, and in the beauty of holiness.”
For more information, please visit

Cornerstone Baptist Church  “. . .  is an evangelical, Bible-based church, which is part of ‘Baptists Together’ and the Yorkshire Baptist Association. Our purpose statement is ‘passion for God, love for people, heart for mission’. The church has a set of core values and is committed to evangelism and social action in North and West Leeds and beyond. . . .  The wide variety of people in the church is reflected in the worship styles and ways of meeting. Overall we seek to reflect both the heritage of the church and the need to be contemporary and open to the Holy Spirit today.”
For more information, please visit

Leeds Vineyard  is “. . .  a church community meeting in Headingley and reaching out to the city of Leeds. We meet on Sundays and in Small Groups throughout the week, places where you can do life together. Whatever your background or situation, you are welcome. Whether doubting, searching or enthusiastically looking for community, come as you are. . . .  This is a place where you can ask questions, learn about Jesus and the bible, and get equipped for life. A place where the hurt and the sick can receive prayer and support, where the bereaved and the lonely can find comfort and companionship. A place where children build great memories of being in a church family.”
For more information, please visit