Newsletter – October 2018

‘They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching . . . ’ Acts 2.42 (NIV)

Dear friends,
I hope you enjoyed the launch of Holy Habits in the Book Service on 9th September as much as I did. The young people had worked hard to present some of the habits to us and it was all very clear and well done. It is good to have such young people as part of our Church.

This month and next we are focusing on the habit of Biblical Teaching, the very first of what Luke, the writer of Acts, describes the early church doing. Or is it being? Because Holy Habits is not just about doing in the Church and the world around us, but also about being the people of God, who God wants us to be in Christ, and in that way witnessing to His power and love.

The words that strike me about the beginning of this passage in Acts is the phrase ‘They devoted themselves’. What will it be like for us to devote ourselves in the way the early Church did? What will it be like to devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching? We are reminded they did it together. What will it be like to go deeper in this habit together?

To take a step back we might ask, what is the apostles’ teaching? Their teaching of course was Christ. They first and foremost would have taught about who Jesus was and what He came to do, about the person they knew, His power and authority, and what He said and did. We have it written down for us in the gospels. So I guess the gospels should be our starting point, and maybe we would like to read one of them through ourselves at home over this next couple of months – or read all four if you’ve time. Or maybe we could arrange a reading afternoon, something I’ve only just thought of.

The Holy Habits booklet on Biblical Teaching has lots of ideas and suggestions for us to think about and to mull over. In the services I will be leading this month, we will be focusing on a verse in Colossians 3 v16, ‘Let the Word of God dwell in you richly . . .’; and then on Communion Sunday, the Word of God as the creative force in the world.

In Coffee & Conversations we will be looking at a couple of stories, one from the gospels and one from Acts, and we have plans for a Guild afternoon in November and for the young people’s gatherings. As they say, watch this space, and the notices for more information.

One of the best bits for me of being a Minister – and there are lots – is that I get to read the Bible for work! I find it fascinating as well as faith building. As we get to grips with the Habit of Biblical Teaching and explore the Bible some more, I pray we will get a lot out of it, that we will be inspired by it even more and that it will come alive in a new way for us.

Love in Christ, Clare

Prayer Meeting
Our meeting this month is on Wednesday 10th. Join us for this short time in God’s presence to pray in the quiet for those in need and for our Church, or put aside the time to pray at home.

Coffee & Conversation
Come and join in the conversation over a cuppa:
  Tuesday 16th October, 2pm
  Wednesday 24th October, 7.30pm
We will be talking around the Holy Habit of Biblical Teaching, focusing on Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch, Acts 8.26-40.

Ingrid joins me in sending a huge Thank You to everyone for the very generous gift and the beautiful bouquet with which you marked the 25-year anniversary of my appointment at Headingley St Columba.
Becoming a member of our church family has proved to be a greater blessing than many of you will know, and we both count you all among our most valued friends. It has been a great privilege to serve as organist and choirmaster for the last 25 years, and although I may not survive in the post for another quarter century, I hope to be around for a few more years yet.

God bless you all.
Ian Lawrie

We shall soon be starting on the ‘Holy Habits’ study course and our first ‘habit’ will be Bible Teaching. I thought I would seek out some poetry that illustrated the meaning of the Bible to us and I have put a selection below. Much of the poetry I looked through is Victorian, perhaps a little over – sentimental for our taste but can still ‘pack a punch’ as they say. The last poem is modern and comes from a Scripture Union page where verses of the Bible are used as inspiration for poetry.

A big thank you to everyone who supported the ‘Open Day’ on the 15th September. The church and grounds looked at their best and the welcome for visitors was warm and friendly.

Although we were not over-whelmed by visitors, there was a steady flow – often people who had seen the buildings from a bus and were intrigued to see inside! Their surprise was evident, particularly on seeing the beautiful airiness of the Sanctuary and on hearing the splendour of the church organ when Ian played both in the morning and afternoon. The support of groups using the premises was most appreciated and we were particularly impressed by the work of the Embroiderers’ Guild and the well-behaved dogs!



I supposed I knew my Bible,
Reading piece-meal, hit or miss;
Now a bit of “John” or “Matthew,”
Now a snatch of “Genesis.”
Certain chapters of “Isaiah,”
Certain “Psalms,”—the twenty-third,
Twelfth of “Romans,” first of “Proverbs.”
Yes, I thought I knew the Word.
But I found a thorough reading
Was a different thing to do,
And the way was unfamiliar
When I read the Bible through.
Ye who treat the Crown of Writings
As you treat no other book—
Just a paragraph disjointed,
Just a crude, impatient look—
Try a worthier procedure,
Try a broad and steady view;
You will kneel in very rapture
When you read the Bible THROUGH.

Amos R. Well


Feelings come and feelings go,
And feelings are deceiving;
My warrant is the Word of God—
Naught else is worth believing.
Though all my heart should feel condemned
For want of some sweet token,
There is One greater than my heart
Whose Word cannot be broken.
I’ll trust in God’s unchanging Word
Till soul and body sever,
For, though all things shall pass away,

Attributed to Martin Luther

What is a Home Without a Bible?
What is a home without a Bible?
‘Tis a home where day is night,
Starless night, for o’er life’s pathway,
Heaven can shed no kindly light.
What is a home without a Bible?
‘Tis a home where daily bread
For the body is provided,
But the soul is never fed.
What is a home without a Bible?
‘Tis a family out at sea;
Compass lost and rudder broken,
Drifting, drifting, hopelessly.
What is a home without a Bible?
List! and ponder while I speak;
‘Tis a home with Bibles in it,
But not opened once a week.


Colossians 3:16-17

        May the word of Jesus Christ
        Make its home in your hearts
        And dwell in all its richness,
        Permeating every part

So you may have His wisdom
In teaching one another
What you have learned from Him,
Shared with sisters and brothers

        And we will sing a new song
        When His Holy Spirit comes in,
        Making melody in our hearts
        With spiritual songs and hymns

And whatever you may do
In word, thought or deed
Do everything in the name of Jesus
Giving praise unto thee.

© By M.S.Lowndes



At the recent AGM/Committee meeting of CTH, John Luxton became the new Chairman on the retirement of Rev Tony Whatmough; he will remain on the committee as a member.
Anne Rennie (St Urban’s) continues as Secretary and Dorothy Gazey (St Chad’s) as Treasurer.


CAROL SINGING: Saturday, 10.30am to 12noon.
Please do come along and join in the singing – all churches together – collection in aid of Wheatfields.
This year the theme is ‘Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue’ and has been prepared by the Christians of Indonesia.
Lent Lunches commence on Friday, 15th March and will be held at Headingley Methodist Church for 5 weeks. Please note that Headingley St Columba’s turn to prepare and serve lunch is on Friday, 22nd March and your help will be much appreciated.

Headingley Methodist Church will be holding their Christmas Fayre on Saturday, 8th December.
Opera North are running an ‘Over 55’s’ singing group on Tuesdays at 12.30pm in Headingley Methodist Church.
The Vineyard Church has purchased the old St Michael’s Hall in Bennet Road, Headingley and look forward to using it as a Community Centre after renovation.
The CTH secretary has met with a representative from Headingley Neighbourhood Forum who wished to know more about the local church communities.
David Buck (chaplain at Wheatfields) has requested volunteers from the local clergy to support him in his work as the liaison with the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust Chaplains has come to an end.


World Day of Prayer Preparation Conference
When Stella retired last year Sheana Dudley (St. Andrews Roundhay URC) took over the role as the Leeds and North Yorkshire Conference Co-ordinator and I have received the following information from her re this year’s Conference:

The World Day of Prayer Preparation Conference is to be held this year on Friday, 9th. November at St. Andrew’s Roundhay URC Devonshire Avenue, Leeds LS8 1DS.
The Conference will commence at 10am and finish around 3pm.
Cost £4.00 paid in advance. (£5.00 on the day).
Tea/Coffee & Biscuits will be provided – please bring a packed lunch.
The theme this year is ‘Come – Everything is Ready’ and the Service has been prepared by the Christian Women of Slovenia. The Conference is in preparation for the Service which will be held on the 1st. March, 2019.

Further information together with the programme for the 9th. November is on the Notice Board.
Please let me know if you would like to attend. I’ll be collecting names & money to send to Sheana by the 30th October.

Christine Tweedie


We shall be holding our monthly lunch on Tuesday, 9th October, gathering together at 12.30pm for lunch at 1o’clock. Every month we let you know that you are welcome, so join us if you can.
Our afternoon meeting will be held on 23rd September and Clare will be telling us about her visit to South Africa. Again, all welcome to join us at 2.30pm and to stay for afternoon tea.

7th October Aleck Brownjohn
14th October Elissa Grant
21st October Ian Henderson
28th October Joan McShane

Please advise the relevant Elder of any notice you wish to have given on a Sunday morning. It would be helpful to send it to them by the previous Wednesday.

7th October Mrs N Colledge Mrs E Grant
14th October Mrs M Freeman Mrs B Mackintosh
21st October Mrs J McShane TBA
28th October Miss C Tweedie Mrs P van Lemmen

Thank you for all your help on Open Day and Harvest Weekends in September. I hope to have the new calendar in the vestibule in November. Please enter your name for the Sunday of your choice.

Our gratitude goes to those who pay for the above. If you cannot arrange them yourself, I will ask one of our flower arrangers to kindly assist. Rosemary Reid would be happy to know those who are in need of comfort to receive the flowers.


Please may I have all articles for the next edition by Sunday, 14th October, either by hand or to Thank you.