Lenten Communion by Katharine Tynan
Rest in a friend’s house, Dear, I pray:
The way is long to Good Friday,
And very chill and grey the way.
No crocus with its shining cup,
Nor the gold daffodil is up, –
Nothing is here save the snowdrop.
Sit down with me and taste good cheer:
Too soon, too soon, Thy Passion’s here;
The wind is keen and the skies drear.
Sit by my fire and break my bread.
Yea, from Thy dish may I be fed,
And under Thy feet my hair spread!
Lord, in the quiet, chill and sweet,
Let me pour water for Thy feet,
While the crowd goes by in the Street.
Why wouldst Thou dream of spear or sword,
Or of the ingrate rabble, Lord?
There is no sound save the song of a bird.
Let us sit down and talk at ease
About Thy Father’s business.
(What shouts were those borne on the breeze?)
Nay, Lord, it cannot be for Thee
They raise the tallest cross of the three
On yon dark Mount of Calvary!
So soon, so soon, the hour’s flown!
The glory’s dying: Thou art gone
Out on Thy lonely way, alone.
‘Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven,
whose sin is covered.
Happy are those to whom the Lord imputes no iniquity,
and in whose spirit there is no deceit.’ Psalm 32.1-2
Dear friends,
In September 2019, a group of URC members from all over the UK visited Israel and the occupied territories. They must have been deeply moved by the experience as several things have come out of
it, including some YouTube reflections and studies for Lent. The Lent studies came through on an email from ‘Walking the Way’ resources, and I quickly scanned through them. If you’re interested, I can print out a copy.
One of the studies especially spoke to me, about the Israeli so called ‘security wall’ which surround Palestinian territories. The Palestinians call it the ‘apartheid wall’. The reflection pointed to the fact that it isn’t just the Palestinians who are hemmed in by these walls, their freedom of movement curtailed, but it also affects the freedom of the Israelis.
For the Palestinians, they are subject to restrictions wherever they go, in their own land, often not knowing if they’ll get through to work or back home. It is easy to see and hear how they feel with all
that is imposed on them by the occupiers.
For the Israelis, to maintain their safety, young soldiers are apparently in fear as they stand on guard. To quote from the reflection, ‘The guilt of being an oppressor denying freedom to others is heavy. It cramps and distorts the spirit, stifles the full and free gift of life not only in those you hurt, but in yourself as well.’
Those words were followed by a simple but profound sentence about forgiveness and freedom: ‘To recognise your fault and release your enemy is part of your journey towards forgiveness and freedom.’
In this season of Lent, which can mean many things to us, we can see it as a journey towards forgiveness and wholeness. Those words I have just quoted can be a release to us as we think about those we have hurt and those who have hurt us. We may not have enemies like the situation between Israel and Palestine. Yet in our lives, there are often times when we ignore a person because of something they’ve done to us, or we find a friendship gone by the board because of a small error of judgment maybe on our part.
Sometimes we can reach out to the other person, recognizing our faults and seeking their forgiveness. When we have been wronged, we can also reach out to the other person in forgiveness. In those ways, we can discover freedom and wholeness for ourselves.
The verses from Psalm 32 are about seeking God’s forgiveness of us. As we journey through Lent, we journey towards the cross, and the forgiveness, freedom and wholeness we find in Christ.
Love in His name,
Clare <><
Leading your Church into Growth Taster Session
Saturday 7th March, 2-4pm in the Session Room
Led by Rev Ashley Evans, Minister of Bolton Villas Family Church (URC) in Bradford, and Synod Evangelist
This is for Elders, those on the Mission Group and anyone else interested in our Church growing. Please do join us to find out more.
Church members and friends are warmly invited to attend the Annual Church Dinner which is to be held at Moortown Golf Club on March 11th at 7 p.m. If Margaret Madill has not approached you already then please contact her to say you would like to come by March 4th at the very latest.
How I came to have a new experimental right hip.
My work at the Leeds University Chaplaincy involved my meeting many international students. One man was involved in developing a new ceramic hip joint and needed people to test them.
I was in such pain that I volunteered. The Professor, Mr Boubach, agreed and did the operation at the private hospital in Leeds. I was up and walking in two days and went to a private rest home for four days, then my brother and his wife came.
My pastoral work at LU also involved me in disability awareness in public places. Two members of the church saw me in ‘The Box’ to their surprize! I was testing the accessibility and condemned it and the Harrogate owner was told to put up a notice stating this.
I continue with my pastoral work at Headingley Hall but am unable to sit through services.
Thank you for your concern and prayers.
Coffee & Conversation Film Night
Instead of our usual groups this month, we’re watching a film together: ‘Heavens Above’, a fun film, as part of our exploration of the Holy Habit of Worship:
Wednesday 25th March, 5.30pm for 6pm with a light tea, finishing 8pm
A reminder that the World Day of Prayer Service is to be held on Friday, 6th March 2020, in HEADINGLEY METHODIST CHURCH at 2pm.
Christian women of Zimbabwe have prepared the Service and the theme is
“Rise! Take your mat and walk”.
Please see Christine Tweedie for further details.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting
Don’t forget our monthly prayer meeting, on Wednesday 11th March, 10.30-11am, a time to draw aside for a short time in God’s presence to pray in the quiet together. If you can’t come to the Church, how about setting that time aside at home to pray.
This year we shall be turning out thoughts to Africa as we give what we are able towards our Lent Appeal.
Firstly, we shall be supporting ‘Jacob’s Well’, a charity that Elizabeth Lyle has supported for some years, originally using her professional skills as a pharmacist to sort and register excess medical drugs and supplies for use in developing countries and then by travelling to Ghana to train health workers to make sustainable chairs and supports for children, mainly with cerebral palsy. She is there at present revisiting hospitals where they have already held training courses and she has also been asked to visit the Lower Volta to assist them there.
‘Jacob’s Well’ is a relatively small charity and our support can make a real difference to them.
We shall share the appeal with Vuli Mkandla’s church in Zimbabwe. A passing remark prompted The Guild to raise the money toward the purchase of a much-needed computer and mobile phone for Vuli’s family church. Vuli has contacted Rev Imon David Ndlovu, Synod Interim Secretary, to ask if we could support them in any way. He has replied: ‘regarding the Zimbabwe Synod of the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (I) write to officially present our request for financial assistance, necessitated by several issues, among them; high Theological Training fees, Ecumenical subscriptions and management in general which have gone so high owing to our economic meltdown. Your gracious assistance will be so much appreciated and please let us know if you require that we provide more details.
Thank you so much in anticipation.’
Anyone who has spoken to Vuli will know that the above words describe a daily struggle to cope financially and we trust we shall be able to support them in their church work.
We hope to have news from both Elizabeth (who returns from Ghana mid March) and Vuli during Lent.
Please may I have all contributions for the next edition by Sunday 15th March, either directly to me or by email to mjbrownjohn@ntlworld.com. Thank you. Margaret Brownjohn
1st | March | Joan McShane |
8th | March | Aleck Brownjohn |
15th | March | Susan Bollon |
22nd | March | Elissa Grant |
29th | March | Ian Henderson |
Please let the relevant Elder know if you have a notice you wish to be read out in church that Sunday; if possible, by the previous Wednesday.
1st | March | Flower Fund | Mrs M Koi |
8th | March | Mrs P Hood | Mrs S Bollon |
15th | March | Flower Fund | Miss C Tweedie |
22nd | March | Mothering Sunday | Mrs K Henderson |
29th | March | Rev Clare Davison | Miss G Strawbridge |
Thank you for all your help with the flowers. There are still a number of blank dates on the calendar!
We shall be holding our monthly lunch on Tuesday, 10th March, meeting as usual from 12.30pm for lunch at 1 o’clock. Just a reminder that all are welcome to join us – and friends are too. The cost is £3.
We had a very successful afternoon last autumn when Elizabeth Allerton invited us to bring a favourite book – special to you for whatever reason – a treasured gift, an inspirational volume or one you have enjoyed and would like to recommend to others. So, we are going to do it all over again on Tuesday, 24th March, meeting at 2.30pm. Do come.

Churches Together in Headingley
Lent Lunches will be held on Fridays at Headingley Methodist Church commencing on the 6th March at 12.15 for 12.30pm. The theme is “Who do you say I am?” and the speakers are as follows:
6th | March | Rev.Tony Whatmough |
13th | March | Rev. Dr Kevin Ward |
20th | March | Mr Viv Newman |
27th | March | Rev. Hannah Lievesley |
3rd | April | Cllr. Al Garthwaite |
We shall be responsible for the lunch on Friday, 3rd April and six volunteers will be needed. Clare has kindly agreed to chair the session that day.
Good Friday Walk of Witness
It was agreed at the last committee meeting that the same format as last year would be followed – walking between Headingley St. Columba URC, St. Michael’s C of E Church, South Parade Baptist Church and Headingley Methodist Church. More details to follow.
Our Easter Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday 4th April from 10.30am to 12 noon, a week earlier than usual. Please do come along and join us and for those of you who are artistic bring your Easter creations with you. A warm welcome awaits.
Prayer Before Church, Sundays 10.20-10.30am
The prayer table it still set up at the back of Church, for anyone to pray before the service on a Sunday morning. Do use it. There is a card on the table with suggestions for prayer, as well as the Leading Your Church into Growth Prayer.
in aid of
3.00 pm
Refreshments Available