7th | SUNDAY | 10.45am | Morning Worship led by Rev Phil Chilvers |
9th | Tuesday | 12.30pm | Guild Lunch |
10th | Wednesday | 9.30am | Elders’ Meeting |
14th | SUNDAY | 10.45am | Morning Worship led by Rev Heston Groenewald, All Hallows Church, Hyde Park and Rainbow Junktion Café |
21st | SUNDAY | 10.45am | Morning Worship led by Rev Phil Chilvers | 12 noon | CHURCH MEETING |
24th | Wednesday | 6.30pm | Worship for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at St Michael and All Angels, Headingley |
28th | SUNDAY | 9.30am | At Headingley Methodist Church |
We shall be joining West Park URC for services throughout the year both at their church and at ours. This month they will join us for worship on the 14th January. Please note that we shall be worshipping at West Park URC on 25th February at 10.30am when the Service will be led by Rev’d Geoff Ellis and will include the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
An amazing amount of £1,015 was raised from the Gift service – £510 for the Salvation Army and £505 for Leeds Women’s Aid. The toiletries and toys from our previous parties were also distributed between the two charities.
I have received a card of thanks from the Salvation Army ‘Thank you for your kind donations. Love from the Family Plus Team.’
A letter from Leeds Women’s Aid is as follows:-
‘On behalf of Leeds Women’s Aid, I would like to thank you and everyone at St. Columba Church for the very generous donation and Christmas gifts you collected for the families who reside within our refuge. We are absolutely blown away by the generosity and support.
Thank you, it means a great deal to the women and children we support to know that people are thinking of them at Christmas.
Wishing you all the best for the festive season.’
I distributed gifts to the family we support which were enthusiastically received and they wish everyone a Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
I add my grateful thanks and good wishes to you all for supporting these worthwhile charities.
Susan Bollon
And (via Joan McShane) :- “ To the faithful folk of St. Columba’s”.
Thank you for putting your love and hope in to Action this year by supporting our work towards a fairer and more just world. Your support is truly appreciated. Festive Wishes, Sarah Jane Meyers (Christian Aid)
This year the fund-raising group have raised a total of £1207 for the five charities with £840 being donated by July and the remaining £327 sent out at the beginning of December. We are, as always, very grateful to the donors of the goods which sell off the corridor table and the book stall. A big thank you is due to all those who buy the generously donated items – without those purchases nothing would be donated to the charities.
The group does not forget that donations in the Sunday Tea basket, the Festival Chorus Tea Bars, the Venison Burger Sale and the sale of redundant church equipment have also contributed greatly to this year’s total.
So, on we go into 2024…..
Margaret Madill
Our lunch comes early in the month this January, so please make a note of the date – Tuesday 9th January. We meet at about 12.30pm with lunch at 1 o’clock and please think about joining us if you would like a change of scene – and a hot meal – at one of the dreariest times of the year.
Verses from:

By Amos Russel Wells
What shall I pack up to carry
From the old year to the new?
I’ll leave out the frets that harry,
Thoughts unjust and doubts untrue.
Angry words – ah how I rue them!
Selfish deeds and choices blind –
Any one is welcome to them!
I shall leave them all behind.
Plans? the trunk would need be double.
Hopes? they’d burst the stoutest lid.
Sharp ambitions? last year’s stubble!
Take them, old year! Keep them hid!
All my fears shall be forsaken,
All my failures manifold;
Nothing gloomy shall be taken
To the new year from to the old.
But I’ll pack the sweet remembrance
Of dear friendship’s least delight;
All my jokes – I’ll carry hence;
All my store of fancies bright.
And I’ll pack my choicest treasure,
Smiles I’ve seen and praises heard,
Memories of unselfish pleasure,
Cheery looks, the kindly word.