AUGUST | |||
6th | SUNDAY | 10.45am | Morning Worship led by Rev Phil Chilvers |
8th | Tuesday | 12.30pm | Guild Lunch |
13th | SUNDAY | 9.30am | Morning Worship at Headingley Methodist Church |
20th | SUNDAY | 10.45am | Morning Worship led by Rev Phil Chilvers |
27th | SUNDAY | 10.45am | Morning Worship led by Rev Angela Hughes We shall be joined by our friends from Headingley Methodist Church |
3rd | SUNDAY | 10.45am | Morning Worship led by Rev Phil Chilvers |
10th | SUNDAY | 9.30am | Morning Worship at Headingley Methodist Church |
2.30pm | Concert by Leeds Male Voice Choir in aid of Wheatfields Hospice |
In Memoriam
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Dr Charlotte Grieg on Thursday, 7th July. She died peacefully in the local Hospice after a short illness.
Charlotte and her husband, Denis, who passed away eight months ago, were Members for many years, and previously worshipped at Cavendish Road Presbyterian Church. They moved to Shropshire to be nearer their family a few years ago, but remained in touch with their many friends in Yorkshire.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Kate and Judy and the family.
Sadly, most of us no longer get out our buckets and spades for fun on the beach in August, so we still plan to meet for lunch together on Tuesday, 8th August. If you are at a loose end this month and would like to join us for a change, then just let us know by the previous day. We’d love to see you.

A shaded lamp and a waving blind,
And the beat of a clock from a distant floor:
On this scene enter—winged, horned, and spined—
A longlegs, a moth, and a dumbledore;
While ‘mid my page there idly stands
A sleepy fly, that rubs its hands…
Thus meet we five, in this still place,
At this point of time, at this point in space.
—My guests besmear my new-penned line,
Or bang at the lamp and fall supine.
“God’s humblest, they!” I muse. Yet why?
They know Earth-secrets that know not I.
After bemoaning a rather too flaming June, and a wash -out July, we all hope that we, and children especially, will enjoy a just-right August—plenty of sunshine and the expectation of pleasurable days. And it is hard to think of such days without remembering the visiting insects which Hardy describes as he sits writing at night—something he did frequently.
And how many times have you, too, looked at these myriad creatures and wondered at the miracle of their frail, often exquisite existence. On the other hand—‘All God’s Creatures’, we remind ourselves as we shoo another wasp, fly or daddy-long-legs out of the door! Just don’t mention the proliferating spiders!!
But while we hope for better days, we remember those in countries across the world where the changing weather patterns have brought present danger and fear for the future.
We shall be hosting a Concert by Leeds Male Voice in aid of Wheatfields Hospice on Sunday, 10th September at 2.30pm. They are a highly respected choir, giving concerts not only in Leeds and throughout Yorkshire but also in Europe. Please do your best to support this event.
Leeds Male Voice Choir rehearse on our church premises so we have a special connection with them.
Please publicise the Concert to your friends and neighbours and encourage them to come along. There are no ticket sales, we simply ask you to make a donation on the afternoon to this worthwhile cause.