When our older son Jonathan was around 5, a chorus had a big impact on him:
‘His was the pain, his was the shame,
His was the body that was broken.
He gave it all for me, hoping I could see,
that through His death I could now start living.
Jesus, Lord Jesus, help me realise what you’ve done –
in your eyes I’m no longer a sinner,
‘cos you’ve made me your son,
Now he’s in me and I’m in him and we’ve become as one,
and all I have to do is to give my life to you.’
(Ishmael, Ian Smale)
As we come to think on the cross, those words remind us what Jesus did for us: He died for us, went to hell and back for us. Then we’re reminded of the results of that: we can now start living because we are counted as God’s children; we’re united to Christ, and he lives in us through his Holy Spirit. As the last line goes, all we have to do is accept it by giving our lives to him, to submit to his will and way.
Of course, what is assumed in those words is Easter Sunday, the resurrection. If it was only that Jesus died in pain on the cross, there is no reason to think he’s any different to anyone else who’s died. We can think of the heroes of war, people who’ve laid down their lives for others, even in some cases so that other individuals may physically live.
But the living that the resurrection brings is new life, a different sort of living. When I first came to Headingley, I used the verse from John’s gospel, ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ (John 10: 10, NIV-UK). Fulness of life is so much more than just enjoying life on earth, physical health and emotional wellbeing. It is also about enjoying that spiritual connection to God, that relationship with him which frees us to live our lives following Christ.
This year has been a hard one, and we may not have felt that we’ve had much fulness of life. But what about that connection with God? For many of us, there has been the time to connect in different ways or more deeply. We may even have enjoyed special moments as we’ve walked around. Others of us may have struggled and have lots of questions, or fears and anxieties. We all need to be kind to ourselves and each other, and encourage one another along the way. Please feel free to phone or email me for a chat if you’d like to.
As we celebrate Easter once more in our own homes, we are celebrating that new life, that abundance, or fulness of life, which Jesus brings us. 1 Peter 1: 3-4 says, ‘Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.’
That is what Easter is about: a new birth into a living hope, which is there for all of us. Even in this pandemic, we are still able to grasp that new life, to make a fresh start this Easter, and consider again what following Jesus means to us.
May you know that new life this Easter.
Clare <><
E arly on a Sunday morning
A ll is quiet and still
S omewhere a choir is singing
T elling a wonderful story
E verywhere Christians are smiling
R emembering God’s message of love.
Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
Giving thanks for the Covid jab There was a suggestion somewhere, I can’t recall where, that in thanks for getting the Covid vaccination we donate to an appeal from Christian Aid to give so that those in poorer countries will have more of a chance to fight the disease.
I was reminded of it from Christ Church Halton’s newsletter, which I get weekly in my other role. Their version was via the Methodist Circuit appeal, but still Christian Aid. I’ve googled it, and for those able to donate online, the link is below.
Perhaps those who can’t could think about an extra donation to Christian Aid this year, for Christian Aid week in May.
Dear Friends,
Life has been different and difficult for everyone for over a year now. Every generation has been affected and we are all still living in hope. As a family, we are personally saddened by the loss of David. We cannot imagine life without him. His courage and patience throughout his illness enabled us to keep going, as he never grumbled or gave into anything. David has had a very rewarding career and many interests and hobbies and we have so much to be thankful for.
We also appreciate the support we have had from friends in Church and would like to say thank you for all the cards, phone calls and flowers we received. We were fortunate to be allowed to have a short Service in Church, obviously with restrictions, and thanks to Clare it was all very calm and comforting. This seemed very fitting for David, as Church has always been important to him, no matter where we were living.
Once again, our thanks to everyone.
From Anna and family.
Easter Acrostic Poem – Clare S Davison
Everyone is welcome to our Easter celebration,
Although we’re not together, we can praise God just the same.
Surely, we remember Jesus died because He loves us –
That is true, yet death could not keep Him in the grave.
Easter is the day we celebrate the truth amazing:
Resurrection of the Son, and new life offered all!
Maundy Thursday Tenebrae, 1st April, 9pm

As usual we will celebrate Holy Communion, for which you’re asked to have ready a piece of bread and a small glass of wine or something red.
You can also join in by phone, using +44 203 481 5237. The voice message will ask you to enter the Meeting ID 849 0888 3433, followed by #, then it asks for the Passcode 150328, followed by #.
The direct online link is:
Or join using the above meeting ID
Prayer Meeting
This month’s prayer meeting is from 10.30-11am as usual, on Wednesday 14th April. Do join us in the comfort of your own home, all off-line, just with prayer sheets and your own heart for prayer. Find somewhere quiet and undisturbed. Margaret Madill is providing sheets by email to help us in our prayers, which you can ask for from her or Aleck Brownjohn.
Sunday worship, this month on Podcast
(Thursday 1st April Tenebrae on Zoom – see elsewhere in magazine for joining details)
4th April Easter Sunday Podcast – Rev Clare Davison
11th April break week
18th April break week
25th April break weeks
A reminder that the next worship@4 on 28th March will be a Palm Sunday celebration, led by Clare.
The April worship@4 will be on Sunday 25th April.
A reminder that our Lent Appeal will close at Easter. We have been collecting for two charities this year; Wheatfields Hospice and Leeds North and West Foodbank. I understand you have been as generous as ever but if you would still like to make a contribution then please send your donation in cheque form to Susan Bollon. Gift Aid forms available from Aleck.
Every year Spring brings renewal
Around us fresh flowers appear
Sunshine awakens our spirits
Telling us Easter is near
Ending the dark days of winter
Resurrection’s message is here
Thank you to Liz and Clare for responding to the EASTER acrostic challenge.
Before us spreads a sheet of golden flowers.
Broad swathes of green prove Spring is here at last,
After an age of damp and dreary hours
Life is astir. Life’s dice at random cast.
If high the score, good things will be returning
Blood warming rays of sun, and skies of blue.
Long frozen streams of life once more are churning,
Newly awakened shoots are pushing through.
Those minute specks, the seeds the gardener tended
In box and bowl, in sheltered plot and frame,
Have now forgotten how life nearly ended
When damp and mildew, rust and weevils came.
We shake the dice, ‘tis human urge to gamble.
Some scrape a living, some have silver spoons,
Life’s walk, a race, for some a gentle amble
Ruled by the moon, the tide, perhaps the runes.
The golden sheets, the daffodils, are dying,
The early grasses soon will turn to hay,
Wild streams will slow, as hours and days go flying
Through April’s kisses, the caress of May.
Take golden days, take all that Nature offers.
The wealth of Spring, though priceless is, and free
Cannot be stored away in safes and coffers,
We could not, should not, would not let it be.
Our land is plenteous, when the dice are shaken
The score is high, life’s quality is fair.
But should man’s greed, the need for MORE awaken
A craving for more than our measured share,
A time would come, when all things free and precious
Are covered by a coat of chaff and clay.
Let’s think and share, and care for all things living
And make the best of being, day by day.
Spring at Parcevall Hall
Doreen shared with us this poem four years ago but it seems even more appropriate now.