Newsletter – April 2018


Sweet ravaged face, atopped by crown of thorns,
Torn bleeding hands and shattered bleeding feet,
You will, before another morning dawns,
Mankind’s designer, your father, greet.

Another breaking dawn, a spirit soars,
A broken body, spent, our souls to save.
A place for sinful man in heaven assures,
And quits the cross to triumph o’er the grave.



Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!

Dear friends,

Easter is my favourite celebration of the year. No, not because of the chocolate Easter Eggs. I confess I’m not that fond of chocolate, and as a child my 2 or 3 Easter Eggs would last me until the summer! Rather, I get so excited to think that Jesus is alive, He has been raised from the dead, He is living now and we can get to know Him. We can actually have a relationship with the living Lord. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the basis of our faith.

To me the season of Easter is about how we live with that knowledge, living as Easter people. Having the knowledge itself is one thing, but living it is quite another. Because of the first Easter, each of us can have a new life, a new way of living and being, of leaving the self behind and starting afresh to walk with Jesus.

The first Christians were called the people of the Way. That Way is in following Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Way to the Father. In the way that they lived, in community sharing, in caring for each other, and in how they lived lives full of love and joy, was a witness to the world of the truth of the good news of Jesus.

The same is true for us. It is in the way we live as Easter people, caring for each other and those around us, what our priorities are, how we relate to others, that is a witness to the living Lord. Our Moderators of General Assembly call us afresh to ‘Walking the Way’, and reminding us we live in the here and now, to ‘walk the Way of Jesus today’.

This month we are starting two ‘Coffee & Conversation’ groups to chat together over a Bible passage enjoying some refreshments at the same time. It’s meant to be a relaxed time to talk together about the things of our faith.

In a few months’ time, I hope to introduce the ‘Holy Habits’ resource to those groups, and to the Church as a whole. It is a resource which has been developed by the Methodist Church, and latterly in conjunction with the URC, to be used as a resource to develop our discipleship, our following the Way, to live as Easter people.

The series is based on Acts 2.42-47: ‘They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.’

We will be exploring how we can live in that way today, how we can develop the holy habits the passage reveals, and how we can therefore reflect on and develop our living as Easter people.

Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!

Clare Davison <><

Prayer Meeting
One of the Holy Habits is prayer. We are invited to this month’s prayer meeting on Wednesday 11th April, a time to draw aside for a short time in God’s presence to pray in the quiet together, for those in need and for our Church. If you can’t come to the Church, how about setting that time aside at home to pray.

Synod Elders’ Day on Prayer, Community and Discipleship
Saturday 28th April, 9.30am-3.45pm at St Andrew’s, Roundhay
Workshops on prayer, and opportunities for quiet meditation & prayer.

Coffee & Conversation

Come and join in the conversation over a cuppa and a Bible passage, starting in April:

Tuesday afternoons ~
3rd Tuesday of the month, but starting 10th April as a one off after Guild lunch, 2.30pm

Wednesday evenings ~
last Wednesday of the month, starting on 25th April, 7.30pm

this month both will be held in the Church vestibule

Very many thanks to everyone for all the kindness received during David’s recent illness. All the cards, telephone calls, flowers and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Thank you all. It’s good to be back!

David & Anna


God does not say that because you believe in him, he will keep you from hardship and suffering, he says, if you trust in him, he will strengthen you to meet all the experiences of life in a conquering spirit.

You will have secret resources of power to call on when they are needed.

Life is full of hard experiences, bitter disappointments, unexpected losses, grim tragedies.

Circumstances may appear to wreck our lives and God’s plans, but God is not helpless among the ruins. Our broken lives are not lost or useless. God’s love is still working.

He comes in and takes the calamity and uses it victoriously, working ourt his wonderful plan of love. ‘All things work together for good to them that love God.’ He is always master of the situation.

Christian missionary & Olympic runner.


We have been asked to host the Service of Induction for the Rev Samantha Sheehan as Synod Chaplain for Generation Y. The Service will be held on the evening of Sunday 29th April, at 6.00pm, and the Chaplaincy Support Group hopes you will support her with your presence.

Chaplain to the High Sheriff of Greater Manchester

My Muslim friend Robina Shah has just been appointed as the next High Sheriff of Greater Manchester in the County Palatine of Lancaster. This is a great honour for her, as the Queen herself chooses her name, by pricking the name on a list. Historically it goes back to Elizabeth I’s reign. A High Sheriff has to pay for themselves for their year in office, and in days gone by, people have gone bankrupt, so others have tried to erase their names from the list. A prick through a name can’t be erased!

Robina has asked me to be her Chaplain, as we have remained good friends throughout the years since being at University together, holding each other and our families in prayer. I don’t think it will take a great deal of my time. I have to go to Manchester for various events, the first being on April 12th for her installation. I have an evening event in June, one in September, and Remembrance Day, a Sunday this year. I will be at the other end of a phone or email for Robina, in her frustrations and joys.

I’d be pleased if you could remember myself and Robina in your prayers, even though we’re in Yorkshire! I shall write a paragraph for prayer in the next magazine, of the issues Robina is hoping to concentrate on.

In Christ, Clare x


Advance notice that the Assembly will be held on Wednesday, 9th May in the Ocean Room, The Spa, Scarborough at 11.30am – 4pm. The morning speaker will be the Revd Kevin Watson, Moderator of General Assembly and Yorkshire Synod. Pre–booked lunch will be available and the afternoon entertainment will be provided by ‘Versatility Trio’ and the speaker, Colin Anderson on ‘Life in the Palace Kitchens’


A final reminder that this year it has been decided to support research into Macular Degeneration. Please hand in your donations as soon as possible and if you would like to add Gift Aid to your donations there are forms available in the vestibule.


YOU are welcome to join us for lunch on the second Tuesday of any month of the year; this month on Tuesday, 10th April. We meet at ‘12.30pm’ish’ for lunch at 1o’clock. Usually there are about 18-20 of us, so there is always room for more – but we are grateful to know on the previous Sunday if you can come. The cost is £3.

Our Afternoon Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 24th April at 2.30pm when we shall a selection of ‘Poetry & Prose’. Again, all are welcome.


Change a letter each time to move from ‘DIED’ to ‘ROSE’

1) Didn’t tell the truth _ _ _ _
2) Lots of untruths _ _ _ _
3) You kiss with them _ _ _ _
4) When you tear it _ _ _ _
5) Fruit ready to eat _ _ _ _
6) Tie it up with this _ _ _ _
1st April Aleck Brownjohn
8th April Elissa Grant
15th April Ian Henderson
22nd April Joan McShane
29th April At H.M.C.

Please advise the relevant Elder if you have a notice to be announced in church, preferably by the previous Wednesday.


1st April Easter Day Mr & Mrs Henderson
8th April Flower Fund Mrs S South
15th April Mrs E Pickersgill     Dr & Mrs Nelson
22nd April Mrs S Bollon Mrs S Bollon
29th April At H.M.C.

Thank you to all who arrange, distribute or pay for the flowers. There are still spaces on the calendar in the vestibule if you wish to choose a particular Sunday.



Please may I have contributions for the next edition by SUNDAY 15th APRIL either to me directly or via email to Your contributions are always most welcome.



The Christmas goods are packed away, the pealing bells are stilled once more.
The dawn comes earlier each day; green carpets now the valley floor.
The snowdrops flourished weeks ago, pale shoots of daffodils take place,
The New Year’s blasts still carry snow, and New Year’s breezes chill the face.

Yet mornings welcome bluer skies, the evening shows the stars more clear;
We question…and the earth replies: ‘Yes, yes, the Spring is drawing near’.
This year, this year, each bursting bud, each sign that tells us, Spring is near.
A welcome sign that God is good, and walks with us another year.

Doreen Sowden