Our caretaker has been busy building a snowman to cheer the neighbourhood up. It’s been enjoyed by passers-by with guffaws of laughter, including from the local policeman.
‘… pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.’
Ephesians 6.18 (NIV-UK)
Dear friends,
We’re now in the middle of the third lockdown, with infection rates still high, with some signs of it coming down, but the number passing away so sad. We can but pray for the families losing loved ones at this time, losing our own loved ones in the Church family too. When we do meet again for worship in the building, there will be moments of grief as we miss conversations and those we have shared much of our faith lives.
In the middle of this month, we come to the season of Lent, with all that means to us. We remember we were in the middle of Lent last year when the pandemic shut worship in the Church building down. I wonder what we have learnt in our faith over the year, how we have been sustained, and how we have grown? It has been good to listen to the podcasts or read printed materials, to watch worship on the TV, listen on the radio, and for some of us join with worship on Zoom, or even physically when other Churches have had their buildings open. Yet we have missed the fellowship with each other.
In the Mission & Care group, after the success of the Advent course, we will be having a Lent course. It will be a slightly more interactive style, with what is available to purchase this year, but the one we have chosen I think will be helpful to us. It is called ‘The Prayers of Jesus’, and for 6 weeks will explore Jesus at prayer and what He prayed. The weeks include the Lord’s Prayer, the raising of Lazarus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, and on the cross. As we explore them, I’m sure we will find comfort and hope in this time for our own faith journeys. More information is elsewhere in the magazine.
As we journey through Lent, maybe we can take up prayer as our focus. The image above of a candle reminds us that our prayers are heard by God as the flame flickers and the heat rises. It reminds us of the incense burned in the Temple, representing the prayers of the people going up to God.
Some of us may find it hard to pray, through busyness or not feeling adequate. God isn’t interested in how we say our prayers, just that we pray. We hear that in the verse above from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, that we can pray in all sorts of ways, and at any time. We are called to pray for all God’s people, for those in our own Church, for those in the Churches in Headingley, in Leeds, and beyond. Maybe as you use the prayer diary over Lent, add a prayer every day for our church and other churches, and remember the persecuted Church.
With love in Christ,
Clare <><
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of two long standing and much loved members of our church. Mrs Margaret Baulch died on the evening of Sunday, 3rd January and Mr Len Bower on the morning of Monday, 4th January. Margaret died at home after many years of debilitating illness, cared for by Don with the love and support of their family. She was an active Church member for many years, always quietly supportive and a kind and thoughtful friend.
Len died at the great age of 100 years in Headingley Hall after a short illness. He had worshipped with us as often as he was able until the church was forced to close for worship in March and joining us for social activities whenever he could. He continued with us in spirit when given help with the technology, listening to broadcast services. Despite his frailty in later years, Len never lost his interest in, and concern for others. Any encounter with Len was a tonic, sometimes resetting your spirits for the day. We shall miss his presence when we are able to return for worship.
Orations included in the Services of Thanksgiving for Margaret and Len were reproduced in the print version of this Newsletter, but are omitted here for reasons of privacy. Copies may be obtained on request from the Church Secretary aleck.brownjohn@ntlworld.com
Following the success of the Advent course, we are planning one for Lent, Ash Wednesday being 17th Feb, so starting the week after, on 23rd Feb, on Zoom, again with 3 sessions a week. The final Thursday session is on Maundy Thursday, so that last session will be rearranged with those who attend.
I can confirm that you don’t need a book to attend the Zoom sessions, but you can order one if you wish, or if you wish to use the sudy book yourself at home or with a friend on the phone, or out for a walk. Please let myself or Aleck Brownjohn know if you would like a copy, by 7th Feb.
And talking of prayer in my letter to you . . .
Wednesday Prayer Meeting: how about setting this time aside to pray for our Church, just half an hour once a month, 10.30-11am, this month on Wednesday 10th February. Margaret Madill is providing sheets by email to help us in our prayers, which you can ask for from her or Aleck Brownjohn.
Sunday worship, this month on Podcast
7th | February | Rev Chris Wood |
14th | February | Rev Clare Davison |
21st | February | Rev Clare Davison Lent 1 |
28th | February | break week |
on Zoom | ||
28th | February | worship@4, led by Mr Dan Morrell, Synod Media Consultant |
Recently I was plagued with an earworm of words and music of ‘Nearer and nearer draws the time . . ‘’ and I could not remember the first line. So I went through the hymn book but did not find it. In despair, I turned to Google and there was, ‘God is working his purpose out.’ It is no. 573 in the hymnbook but I had missed it probably because of the layout of words and music.
It occurred to me that an interesting personal project for Lent would be to read through all the hymns in the hymn book – there are 600 odd. This would mean, at least, fifteen a day. It reminded me of the time when, raising money for the organ, the choir planned to sing through the hymnbook in a day. I do not remember how far we reached. It takes longer to sing a hymn than to read it!
Ann Woodhouse